7 pensieri riguardo “TANTI AUGURI MAMMA!

  1. Happy Birthday Aunt Josephine!!
    I love the picture of you!
    We wish you a healthy and happy year! We all love you and miss you.
    We hope to come see you sometime soon.
    I am on the phone with my mother now. She is trying to call my Uncle to wish you a happy birthday. She sends her love to you!
    A kiss and a big hug from all of us!
    Jim, Diana, Tiffany and Natalie!

    "Mi piace"

  2. Happy Birthday Aunt Josephine,
    We hope you have a wonderful day.
    Love and best wishes,
    Laura (Ralph and JoAnn’s Daughter)
    Also David, Emily and Matthew (my husband and children)

    "Mi piace"

  3. Tanti,Tanti auguri.
    Roy & I wish you a Healthy Happy day & year.We are hoping to see you here in the states this summer.You look wonderful!
    Stay well
    Maria& Roy

    "Mi piace"

  4. Happy Birthday looks like you enjoyed your day. My daughter is expecting twins and day now Michael Anthony and Gabriella Josephine a boy and a girl. Lots of love you look great. Love Connie
    (Ralph & Joann’s daughter)
    Pat Kimmy and Ashley

    "Mi piace"

  5. Tanti Tanti Auguroni, Noi tutti speriamo che hai passato una bellissima e felicissima giornata, noi siamo stati fuori e siamo tornati tardi ieri sera. Ci ha telefonato JoAnne, moglie di Raffaele e, come noi, manda tanti tanti, Auguri, Baci ed Abbracci. Arnaldo, Judie, Christina, Zackary ed Hannah.

    "Mi piace"

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